This committee looks at health issues relating to seniors; work toward preventative health measures, identifying chronic disease in communities, and finding solutions for healthier living for seniors; advocate for and improve the current level of health care for Ventura County seniors by continuing to work with health care professionals, stakeholders and service providers.
Goals: Develop a baseline of health data to monitor the growth in number of seniors and determine what services are lacking and/or inaccessible; and identify the gaps and overlaps of services among relevant major agencies; establish a clearinghouse of data by city. Information will be entered into a GIS database and will be available on the web; Begin to develop a coordinated chronic disease management program to help address the nine major chronic diseases affecting seniors in Ventura County; Develop a campaign to encourage seniors to obtain screenings procedures covered by Medicare by private physicians; Hold the Call to Action Symposium during the year; Lay the ground work to establish a community disease prevention or healthy living program.
2017 Agendas
2015 Agendas
2014 Agendas
2013 Agendas
2012 Agendas
2011 Agendas