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The VC Found Project Lifesaver program is designed to protect, and when necessary, quickly locate individuals with cognitive disorders who are prone to the life-threatening behavior of wandering.

Project Lifesaver bracelets — which are free — may be available for individuals who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, and has a history of wandering.

The method relies on proven radio technology. If an enrolled client goes missing, the caregiver notifies 911. The Project Lifesaver bracelet device works by emitting a radio frequency that can be used by law enforcement to assist in locating your loved one when they go missing.

Project Lifesaver is currently available in the following communities: Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Ojai, Thousand Oaks.

If you are interested but live in an area of Ventura County where Project Lifesaver is not currently available, please feel free to submit an application. If and when the coverage area expands, we will have your information on our waiting list.

» VC Found application
(download to your computer for a fillable form)

Along with the completed application, the authorized agent may also submit copies of the following documentation:

  • Copy of ID for person who will be wearing the device (the participant)
  • Copy of ID for participant’s authorized Agent
  • Copy of documentation proving authorized Agent status (Power of Attorney, Conservatorship or proof of status as healthcare decision maker)
  • Current picture of the participant (face and full body)

Once approved, the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging will contact you to schedule distribution of the bracelet, train the caregiver on how to assemble the bracelet, and test/replace batteries on the device.

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