For legal and financial help, please utilize any of the following resources:
Elder Abuse Hotline
If you suspect elder abuse, please call the Human Services Agency’s Adult Protective Services (APS) 24-Hour Abuse Hotline at 805-654-3200 or visit the APS website. For immediate assistance, dial 911. All community members may report dependent adult/elder abuse to help APS ensure that victims of abuse can get the help they need as soon as possible. APS receives reports from family members, service and health providers, law enforcement, and other concerned citizens.
Forms & More Information
» Adult Protective Services brochure (PDF-English)
» Adult Protective Services brochure (PDF-Spanish)
- Mandated Reporters and all other reporters, please report online at: ReporttoAPS.org.
- Financial institutions can report online at ReporttoAPS.org or use this form: SOC Form 342.
- If online reporting cannot be done, reports may be emailed to HSA-APS-Referrals@ventura.org or faxed to 805-650-1521.
Legal Assistance
Grey Law, located in Camarillo, is a legal partner of the VCAAA. Grey Law is a non-profit legal services organization established to provide the highest quality legal information and advice for older adults in Ventura County. They assist individuals and non-profit groups that otherwise have limited access to legal services.
Non-criminal legal guidance can be provided on topics such as public benefits/Social Security, long-term care planning, Medi-Cal eligibility, powers of attorney, advanced healthcare directives, debts/creditor intervention and landlord/tenant issues.
Grey Law can be reached at 805-658-2266. Call the VCAAA at 805-477-7300 for other legal referrals.
Long Term Care Ombudsman
The Long Term Care Ombudsman has specially trained advocates for residents of skilled nursing facilities, resident care facilities for the elderly and for board and care facilities, all at no fee. This program helps those who seek to resolve complaints for residents in extended care facilities. To report suspected abuse or neglect in a care facility, please call 805-656-1986 or visit OmbudsmanVentura.org.
Financial Abuse Prevention
The Financial Abuse Specialist Team (FAST) provides 10 education sessions per year for professionals. VCAAA provides educational materials about the prevention, detection, assessment, treatment, and intervention and investigation of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, including financial exploitation. Workshops and classes are usually offered at senior centers and other locations where older adults convene.
Scam and Fraud Prevention
Did you know that older adults lose an estimated $345 million per year due to financial exploitation? For that reason, the VCAAA is proud to partner with the Stop Senior Scams Acting Program to provide an educational video focusing on some of the most popular scams that target older adults. Protect yourself and your loved ones by learning more about financial abuse and exploitation. To contact the VCAAA, e-mail lois.vcaaa@ventura.org or call 805-477-7300. To reach the Stop Senior Scams Acting Program, e-mail SSSAP4U@gmail.com.